• Sales & Distribution Centers
  • Northeast & Midwest
    OH Office -800-782-3278
  • *Southeast
    SC Office -800-951-1159
  • *South
    MS Office -800-888-6887
  • *West & Central America
    CA Office -800-999-9779
  • *Canada
    ON Office -877-782-3278
  • *International Inquiries
    SC Office -800-951-1159

*These locations are not included in the scope of our ISO 9001:2015 registration.

This bagged bed kit includes 4 - 5/16-18 x 3-1/2" threaded studs, 4 - 5/16-18 hex nuts, 4 - Curved Washers (WC561631), 4 - 5/16-18 x 30mm SK inserts, 1 wrench, 1 instruction sheet.
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