• Sales & Distribution Centers
  • Northeast & Midwest
    OH Office -800-782-3278
  • *Southeast
    SC Office -800-951-1159
  • *South
    MS Office -800-888-6887
  • *West & Central America
    CA Office -800-999-9779
  • *Canada
    ON Office -877-782-3278
  • *International Inquiries
    SC Office -800-951-1159

*These locations are not included in the scope of our ISO 9001:2015 registration.

Flange can be curved toward the barrel (up) or away from the barrel (down). This enables the part to be welded more smoothly on round surfaces. Ideal for tubular assemblies. Eliminates the need for a washer and hex nut and provides a secure and smooth assembly without exposed rough nuts or lock washers.


Thread Size

A Flange Length

A1 Flange Width

B Barrel Height

C Barrel Diameter

R Radius

T Material Thickness


10-24 23/32 1/2 9/32 .243 .539 .039


1/4-20 23/32 1/2 5/16 .305 .547 .047


5/16-18 .786 9/16 3/8 .370 1/2 .055
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