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Propell Nuts are available in 304 Stainless Steel for marine or corrosion resistant applications.  The deep skives provide excellent retenetion for blind and end-grain applications such as glides, levelers, wood turnings, or hard material applications that may split with regular prong type T-Nuts.


Thread Size

A Flange Diameter

B Barrel Height

C Barrel Diameter

J Skive Length

S Skive Diameter

Drill Size

T Material Thickness


5/16-18 7/8 3/8 .390 .245 .470 3/8 .063


5/16-18 7/8 1/2 .308 .153 .470 25/64 .059


M4 X P0.7 23/32 .213 NA .110 .240 13/64 .039
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